Old Magazines

A Christmas Carol, Life Magazine, December 25th, 1944

A Christmas Carol, Life Magazine, December 25th, 1944

Long before A Christmas Carol was a movie it was a radio play. Lionel Barrymore played Scrooge for many years on Christmas Eve starting in 1934. In 1944 a movie studio gathered the radio play actors and staged scenes for Life Magazine. The issue with A Christmas Carol came out on December 25th, 1944. At […]

Pencil Art from Yank Far East: Dec.15, 1955

Pencil Art from Yank Far East: Dec.15, 1955

Yank Magazine was a WW2 weekly that was initially intended for US servicemen serving overseas. It quickly became a weekly for servicemen serving anywhere. It came out in 15 editions (according to the magazine issue below) each for a geographical location. The edition featured here in this blog is the Far East Edition as you […]

The Ghosts of Cannae_Book Review

The Ghosts of Cannae_Book Review

The Ghosts of Cannae-Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic by Robert O’Connell Imagine if you will being one of the few survivors of perhaps the worst military disaster  of all time-a disaster that saw 90% of  your comrades killed! Then imagine your government blaming you and the other survivors for the disaster […]

Battlefield Action!

Battlefield Action!

In our storage unit I have a small collection of Classic’s Illustrated that somehow survived after 50 years. What has not survived was my collection of war comics from the 60’s. Back in the day every time dad went to a drugstore or some other outlet that had comic books I got one. I remember […]

Dare-Devil Aces, Dec. 1940

Dare-Devil Aces, Dec. 1940

Awesome artwork is it not? My wife and I go to flea markets, rummage sales and antique stores as one of our shared interests. We do not buy much given that we live in a condo with limited space and our interests are narrow. This past Saturday we went to a flea market and I found a […]

German Postcards WW1

German Postcards WW1

I picked these two repro postcards up at a gun show from a fellow who deals in militaria. The cards are typical of the type used by most of the major powers in WW1. The soldier at the front would send one of these to his wife or sweetheart to remind her of his love […]

World War One Postcards

World War One Postcards

A recent trip to the antique store produced three World War One era postcards. It is rare for me to find European postcards with World War One subjects but in this case I found three! The first one features a German Dragoon in full dress uniform. His unit is Dragoon Regiment “Prinz Carl” according to the […]

Send Mail_Doughboy to Loved Ones Back Home

Send Mail_Doughboy to Loved Ones Back Home

Since the inception of email, texting and other forms of instant communications letter and post card writing are disappearing, One would wonder how historians will document the Afghan War when they will not have access to the thousands if not millions of emails that have passed between the service men and women and their families […]

Cossacks and a Zepplin _Stereotypic slide

Cossacks and a Zepplin _Stereotypic slide

Down below the first two pics is my latest find from an antique store in Delavan, WI. The stereotypic  image portrays Russian Cossacks shooting down a German Zeppelin. There is no way to date the image but it would have to be either WW1 (1914-1918) or post-war. Although the eastern front in WW1 receives little attention […]

Scotland the Brave_a Tribute

Scotland the Brave_a Tribute

As a “Yank” I’ve never had a horse in the race regarding the movement for Scottish Independence from the UK. Frankly, I’ve never understood the argument from the secessionists but certainly have recognized the “William Wallace” pride associated with being Scottish. Soooo, it has seemed to me that the two countries are better off with […]